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Philippines 13a Vis...
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Philippines 13a Visa- Eligibility, Steps, Marriage Visa Requirements, How-To

Joined: 6 years ago
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The Philippines 13A visa allows foreign spouses of Filipino citizens to apply for permanent residency in the Philippines. Often called a Philippine Marriage Visa, the 13a visa process can get complicated. Get detailed instructions on the eligibility, costs, requirements and copies of all required the application forms.

This topic was modified 10 months ago by Marco

Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 617
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Hi Justin, there are a bunch of "maybes" related to your questions. I'll go through them separately

  1. Is your wife with you in Jakarta? You can only apply where you are both physically present.
  2. Are you a resident of Jakarta? Some consulates require you to be in their "jurisdiction" and don't assist people on tourist visas. You'll need to confirm with the consulate there.
  3. If you are outside the Philippines, we cannot help, because each consulate has their own process and requirements
  4. If you are in the Philippines, yes, we have people who can help with your 13 a visa application. Let me know.

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