Retired Early at 40. Now What the Heck Do I Do?
After 20 years climbing the corporate ladder, I finally retired early at 40. Today marks the first day of my next chapter - no more job or address, just exploring the world. From IPOs to layoffs, it's been a wild ride. Come along for insights on how I made early retirement possible, and ideas to fund your dreams too!
Congrats on your great accomplishment. My wife and I have been working on building our wealth. I anticipate at age 40 we'll hit a milestone.
Hi Jonathan,
Thanks for the shout out. From following you and Jacque, you guys are well on your way to hit your goals.
PS: My dad's side of the family is all from Omaha. I've become an adopted Cornhusker.
Hope you guys are staying safe.
Hi! Just came about your page and the content looks great. I'll definitely keep reading more of it! Best of luck and hope you're doing great.
Thanks, Hiram. I appreciate it. Hope you're doing great as well.
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