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Can Foreigners Buy Property In The Philippines? [Options, Tips, Laws]

Joined: 6 years ago
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Are you a foreigner looking to buy property in the Philippines? This guide will help you navigate the complex foreign ownership rules and understand your options for buying land, purchasing a house, or buying a condo unit.

This topic was modified 8 months ago 2 times by Marco

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Can you tell me how to own a land and property in Philippines by my name? I’m Australian citizen

Joined: 6 years ago
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Hi Geoff, foreign citizens CAN own property, but not land. You could purchase condo or a house, but not the land they are built on. The closest you could get would be to form a business to buy the land, but the business would have to be structured with a majority of Filipino partners.

(@David Hardy)
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Marco, your articles are amazing - Thank you! I'm married to a Philippine, a wonderful woman, and we have a prenup signed here in the U.S. She has neither property nor debt at this point (in either country). Our marriage license is from the U.S. as well. She is in the process of obtaining U.S. Citizenship, then will get dual citizenship thereafter. We have not signed any Philippine prenup, NOR do we have a Philippine marriage license. Does the Philippine government recognize the U.S. marriage license and consider us married? Is there a benefit to getting an additional marriage license issued by the Philippines? Also, will the Philippine government recognize the U.S. prenup as valid and applicable in the Philippines? So far we have no property in the Philippines, but we will want to one day.

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Hi David, the Philippines does recognize a US marriage. You would just need to register the marriage at a Philippine consulate in the US. For prenup info, I alway suggest discussing with an attorney for specifics. My understanding is best practice is to have a prenup in each country where you have assets.

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Hi Bjorn, I left you my feedback on our new Philippines expat forum. You can read my thoughts below:


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